I’m Nathan Maddigan, a photographer, author, book designer, and story coach
I use story theory to help you:
A book, a newsletter, a white paper, a Linkedin post. Honestly, they're not that different. You have something meaningful to share, and you want your audience to take it with them. Like a passenger that makes such a good impression, they are remembered, and discussed, and become a lifelong friend.
I help you write words that travel.
A TEDtalk, a presentation, an elevator pitch, a networking event. Crafting what you know into a shape that resonates with your audience in realtime takes practice, intention, and awareness.
I help you find your voice and craft the words that matter most.
The greatest businesses in the world will still fail if they can't communicate their value. Your business needs a story that you can share in a sentence, that describes not only what you do, but why you matter. A story you're proud to live and work within. From website language to customer storyboards,
I help you build narrative bridges between yourself and your clients.
Let's be honest - your team is weird. They all think differently, act differently, and each bring their own flair to your stage. You're the stage manager - how do you align everyone so that the show is a success, and the divas don't leave?
I help you and your team share the stage, respect their parts, and believe in their work.